Sunday, March 13, 2011

DUI Checkpoint

Sobriety strikes again. The search for a new job has begun, not that I find anything really all that wrong with my current one. Except the salary and hours. I am looking for a new job with high qualifications and expectations. I want to use my expensive degree and challenge myself to excel. I also want to work normal 9-5 or 8-4 or 7-3 hours so I can spend time at home XX. And any salary that will allow me to splurge and afford nice things will be greatly appreciated, too.

The sobriety comes into play because with any new job comes new hoops to jump through. It’s been almost a month since I have stopped smoking, and a few days longer for XX. She’s a trooper and supporting me through my difficult time. I am preparing for an impending drug test, even though I don’t exactly know when it will be or how it will be administered. I’m hoping for a pee test since my last hair test didn’t exactly pan out. I expect to have a background check before June and hopefully a test around the same time, if at all.

Not smoking has its benefits though. Home is nicer now, without bowls cluttering the coffee table. Even better, when I wipe said table the cloth doesn’t come away black with ash. I’ve really enjoyed having the extra money. I’ve been able to buy a new laptop, travel, and try new cooking projects (which will be detailed in later posts). I haven’t felt any health benefits like I was hoping for. We have also been drinking again. In addition, I no longer panic when I drive by cops.

Even though I won’t be smoking again till my vacation in May, I will do my best to continue to update the blog semi-regularly. Guest posts by guest authors are always welcome, and at least one is coming down the pipeline. I plan on blogging about sobering up, alternates to pot, what to do with pot supplies when smoking isn’t an option, and anything else that comes along.

Whenever people tell me they don’t smoke, I don’t judge them and demand to know why not. Instead, I simply smile and say, “Thanks, now there is more around for me.” So during these next few weeks enjoy your stash while my bowl is empty.

Smoke Well,

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